What is AlertMe?

It’s allowing the reader to raise a hand to say: “Keep me updated on a story that matters to me... don’t make me hunt it down, or hope to randomly stumble upon it.” This creates loyal, regular readers, with all the benefits of that.

Follow article

The AlertMe algorithm is built with Natural Language Processing & Contextual Semantics via Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to be a partner to a publisher, not a competitor (or ‘frenemy’).

Integrating Alert Me into a chatbot that will answer players' questions, provide information about games and promotions, and help with real-time problem solving.

This is now more critical than ever

Facebook and the media have an increasingly landlord-tenant style relationship
New York Times
Media websites battle faltering ad revenue and traffic
New York Times
Apple News tweak dings publishers’ websites
Wall Street Journal
New York Times
We’ve created a monster: Publishers vent ad tech frustrations
Sites that block adblockers seem to be suffering
The Stack
New York Times
Has Facebook’s Latest Algorithm Change Finally Doomed Publishers And Marketers For Good?

What you will get with AlertMe

For the “cost” of placing a line of JavaScript button on a Web page, a publisher will not only drive additional traffic to their most engaged readers, but also get:
The majority of the revenue AlertMe makes off the publisher’s alerts
Additional revenue streams for a publisher’s sales team, including native opportunities
All of the first-party data obtained from readers from that publisher’s site
Broken chains
A method to fight the increasing dependency on social channels, particularly Facebook
The benefits go well beyond those points, so let’s work together to get more readers engaged in your content.
Get started with AlertMe

All AlertMe data that is driven from a publisher’s site will be shared with that publisher. We are a partner, not a frenemy.


We’d love to chat and see if AlertMe can work for your publication or business

And our top online casino partners, who you can also contact directly here .

Leave us a message about your website and we will contact you within a few hours